Buying Your Next Home In Cash? Know How This Can Affect Your Offer

15 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have enough money to buy your next home with cash, it puts you in a unique situation that gives you an advantage over other buyers. Since you do not have to secure financing through a lender, it can streamline the entire process and make things easier. Here are some ways that a cash offer can affect the purchase of a home.

You Shouldn't Try For A Cash Discount

You may think that you can negotiate a better price on a home due to making an offer in cash, but this may actually work against you. Chances are that the owner is not eager to get the money from the sale of their home, and is not willing to take a loss just to get the money a week or two earlier. If you put in a lower offer with the intention of paying in cash, know that you could lose out to a higher offer that will be using financing.

You Can Force Other Buyers Out With A High Offer

If you really want the house and there are many competitive offers on it, don't be afraid to make an offer that is higher than what you feel the appraised value of the home may be. This is due to a couple of reasons that work in favor of cash buyers. If another buyer beats out your bid and intends to use financing, their lender is not going to give them more money than what the home is worth. If they cannot come up with the cash to pay the additional cost of the appraised value, they may have to drop out and pass on the home. If you have the second highest offer, this can place you in a position where you're able to pay the price offered because you have the cash to do it.

You Can Purchase A Fixer Upper

Want to get a deal on a cheap home that is a fixer-upper and do the repairs on your own? If so, you may find it difficult to get a lender that is willing to give you money for a home that needs so much work. With a cash offer, you can skip the whole loan approval process and appraisal if you wish because you are not dependent on a lender to approve the offer that you want to make.

For may ways that having a cash offer can affect the purchase of a home, speak to a local real estate agent for assistance.
