Tips To Help You Buy An Affordable Fixer-Upper Home

15 December 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

A home is a big purchase that can require you to save for and pay on for many years. But if you budget right and buy a home that is affordable, you can buy a piece of real estate that will only increase in value and build equity. Here are some tips to help you shop for and buy a fixer-upper home so you can more easily afford this important purchase.

Consider Doing Your Own Landscaping

When you look to buy a home that needs a great deal of work to the yard, it can provide you an opportunity to get into a decent home at a lower price. The condition of a home's landscaping will affect a home's value, especially as it is the first thing a buyer sees.

Buying a home that has a yard full of weeds that is newly built will need lawn, landscaping areas, and an irrigation or sprinkler system, which can cost several thousand dollars if you hire the work by a professional landscape company. But if you intend to do the work yourself, you can still negotiate a lower price for the home and save money when you do a great deal of the work yourself, and it is great exercise.

Update an Old Kitchen

A home that has all the pertinent systems, such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC, can give you a good home to buy and live in while you complete some other repairs that are not as important. Look to buy a home that needs updates to its kitchen appliances, cabinets, or flooring, which will provide you a good living space during the repair work. The condition of a home's kitchen can be one of the largest factors that affect a home's value.

Be sure you do your homework before you submit an offer to purchase the home to determine how much it will cost to complete the repairs. Your real estate agent can help you calculate a true market value of the home if it were in good condition, then subtract from it the cost of the expected repairs. For example, get several estimates for repairs and for replacing the kitchen appliances and flooring and make sure you adjust the offer price to reflect these repairs. Including these estimates with your purchase offer can help strengthen your offer to the buyer.

After you submit the offer on the home, the seller will either accept, reject, or counter the offer with a different purchase price. During these negotiations, your real estate agent will help you as you and the seller come to an agreement that is acceptable to both of you.
